Tai Lopez 67 Steps Free Download, All the 67 Steps Audio files (I find Tai talks so slow that I put these as podcasts onto my Phone)
- All the 67 Steps Audio files (I find Tai talks so slow that I put these as podcasts onto my iPhone and play at double speed).
- The text ‘worksheets’ for each of the Steps
- Bonus content audio files
- If bonus content had video, that is included separately
The 67 Steps is an online course by professional internet marketer Tai Lopez, which promises to help you get “anything you want out of life: health, wealth, love and happiness.” 7
According to a sales page for the course, more than 200,000 people have signed up to date.
It contains 67 lessons of mostly video-based content. Each video features Tai talking directly to the camera for an average of 30 minutes.
About Tai Lopez 67 Steps?
The last couple of months I’ve stumbled upon something I’ve never come across before on the internet..
It’s a video course where Tai Lopez (An investor, entrepreneur and author) talks about 67 important lessons he learned throughout his life.
By balancing your health, your wealth, and your social life you’ll reach a state of eudaimonia. Which is a fancy word for “excellent life quality” – or as Tai calls it; “The Good Life”