Start from the beginning, and “Asses Your Risks.” Threat Modelling is one of the most important steps in evaluating your OPSEC.
Working on your OPSEC without creating a threat model is like writing code for an app whose primary function is TBD. How can you know if your OPSEC is “good” if you don’t know what your measure of “good” is?
While many people here may have a similar threat model, there are differences in each of our situations that may call for a personalized threat model.
Here’s a neat guide on “Assessing Your Risks” from the Electronic Frontier Foundation:…sing-your-risks 2
In fact, while you’re there, take a look at all of EFF’s “Basics” guides:…tegories/basics
Changing grammar is also good thing.
The process is pretty hard to get this right in your own head but once you fully understand it, it goes hand by hand, it’s easy and even funny if you create another persona / identity.
Source: nulled
Happy learning!