Every Keyboard Shortcut You Need to Know | WhatsApp Desktop – Google Drive Links


All the shortcuts you need to navigate WhatsApp Desktop, contained in a free PDF cheat sheet…

WhatsApp is a great free messaging app that lets you send mixed-media messages, plus make voice and video calls, through your internet connection.

You can also download WhatsApp for your desktop. It’s hugely convenient. You don’t need to keep picking up your phone to reply to your messages, you can do it all from the comfort of your computer.

To make that process more efficient, you should use WhatsApp Desktop’s keyboard shortcuts. That’s why we’ve put together this list of all the shortcuts you need to know to become a WhatsApp Desktop pro.

WhatsApp Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + NNew chat
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate new group chat
TabCycle focus/highlighted element
Shift + TabEmoji button
Ctrl + FSearch
Ctrl + Shift + [Previous chat
Ctrl + Shift + ]Next chat
Ctrl + EArchive chat
Ctrl + Shift + MMute chat
Ctrl + POpen your profile
Ctrl + =Increase font size
Ctrl + –Decrease font size
Ctrl + 0Default font size
MessageBold text
MessageItalic text
~Message~Strikethrough text
MessageMonospaced text
:TextSearch emojis relating to text
Ctrl + AHighlight your message
Ctrl + CCopy to clipboard
Ctrl + VPaste from clipboard
EscCancel action
Alt + F4Close WhatsApp

Make Voice and Video Calls With WhatsApp Desktop

WhatsApp Desktop continues to evolve. You can even make voice and video calls with it, using your computer’s microphone and webcam. If you’re looking for a messaging app that effortlessly works across desktop and mobile, then WhatsApp is for you.


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