[Download] DurgaSoft Full stack web development with Python and Django Free Download – Google Drive Links

Download Durgasoft Full-stack web development with Python and Django

DurgaSoft Full stack web development with python
  1. Introduction to Web development and Django
  2. Django & Atom Installation and Development of First Web Application
  3. Django Templates and Static Files
  4. Working with Models and Databases
  5. Working with Django Forms
  6. Working with Django Model Forms
  7. Working with Advanced Template Features
  8. Session Management
  9. User Authentication and Authorization
  10. Class Based Views and CRUD Operations by using both CBVs and FBVs
  11. Django ORM
  12. Working with Advanced Model Concepts
  13. Working with Django Middleware
  14. Deployment of our application in the Live Environment
  15. Real Time Project: Blog Application Development
  16. Introduction to Web application Development by using Flask

UI Technologies

  1. HTML 3
  2. CSS
  3. Bootstrap
  4. JavaScript
  5. DOM
  6. jQuery

DOWNLOAD HERE [Download] DurgaSoft Full stack web development with Python and Django Free Download – Google Drive Links

from Google Drive Links https://googledrivelinks.com/download-durgasoft-full-stack-web-development-with-python-and-django-free-download-google-drive-links/

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