[Download] Create Chatbot For Website With React And Node.Js Free Download Google Drive Links

[Download] Create Chatbot for Website with React and Node.js
[Download] Create Chatbot for Website with React and Node.js


Create a chatbot for webpage with React and Node.js. Teach chatbot to sell products, give recommendation, measure demand.

What you’ll learn

  • have an intelligent chatbot build in a website
  • have a demo chatbot that they can tweak and suit to their needs


  • you need a basic knowledge of nodejs, react and GIT
  • IDE for writing code (Visual Studio code or Webstorm or Sublime or any editor you prefer and are used to)


In this course, you will build a chatbot for a Webpage. We’ll useNode.js and React for programming and GIT for deploying and version control. We’ll use DialogFlow to process natural language. DialogFlow will help us understand what users want.

In the course, we’ll be building a sample chatbot. Its purpose is only to show you how things work. Our bot on the page will help us sell products. It will give recommendations and measure demand.

To get the most out of the course, you can work on this sample bot, and in the end, tweak it to suit your needs.

To make it easier for you, I’ve added git commits with changes to every video that has a change in the code. This way, you can compare your code to mine. And you won’t lose time debugging. And remember for any questions I’m available in the Questions and answers. You are not alone.

And remember, I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU.

At the end of the course, you’ll have a demo chatbot that you can tweak and tailor to your needs.

My name is Jana Bergant, and I’m a developer with over 20 years of experience. I’m an IT instructor teaching people new tech skills. Over 17000 people are already taking my course.

I help all my students at every step of development. And I’ll be here for you!

Let me tell you a bit about every section of this course.

In the first section, we’ll take an overview of the app and get familiar with the tech stack, which is the technology used in this course. We’ll look at application architecture and different ways we can implement it. We’ll go through every implementation. And I’ll take you through the development stages.

The second section will introduce you to DialogFlow, a natural language processor, that we’ll use to understand what our visitors want from the chatbot. We’ll go through building blocks of DialogFlow. You’ll learn about agents, intents, entities, parameters, prebuild agents, and more.

We’ll install the Express library and generate an express app. After we are through with configuration, we deploy it to Heroku. To speed up the development process, we’ll set up a local development server called Nodemon.

Who this course is for:

  • everyone who want’s to build a chatbot for the page
  • everyone who is interested in conversational commerce


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